The overall goal of the RoLA-FLEX project summarised in the figure below:

The overall goal of the project is therefore to develop:
- Materials: Solution processed organic and inorganic electronic materials designed according to the end-user requirements for charge carrier mobility, conductivity and environmental stability, developed at TRL5+ and scaled-up at industrial quantities with high uniformity.
- Processes: Innovative OLAE (Organic and Large Area Electronics) manufacturing processes, by seamlessly introducing laser printing, sintering and patterning in OLAE process lines, the goal of which is to achieve five times higher resolution with respect to R2R OPV module interconnection, ten times shorter lead time for photolithographic processing of OTFTs, and 50% reduced cost for both.
- Devices: Advanced flexible integration schemes demonstrated by two TRL5+ OLAE prototypes: 1) a smart energy platform for IoT devices, 2) flexible wearable displays
Project facts
RoLA-FLEX project start: May 2020
RoLA-FLEX project duration: 42 months
RoLA-FLEX project budget: 5.8 mln € (EU contribution: 4.7 mln €)
Project call: Materials, manufacturing processes and devices for organic and large area electronics.